Last Updated: November 12, 2023
This organization shall be known as the Dollard Amateur Baseball Association, hereinafter referred to as DABA, or in French as Association de baseball amateur de Dollard (ABAD).
SECTION 1 – Objective
The objective of DABA shall be to implant firmly in the members of the community the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority, so that they may be well-adjusted, stronger and happier individuals and good, decent, healthy and trustworthy citizens.
SECTION 2 – Program
To achieve this objective, DABA will provide a supervised program of instructional and competitive baseball primarily under the Rules and Regulations of the Fédération de Baseball Amateur du Québec Inc. (Baseball Québec). All Executive Board Members, Officers and members shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skills or the winning of games is secondary, and the moulding of future citizens is of prime importance.
SECTION 3 – Non-Profit
DABA is incorporated under the provisions of the Class III (non-profit) Business Corporations act of the Province of Quebec. DABA shall operate exclusively as a non-profit educational organization. No part of the net earnings shall inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.
DABA shall organize baseball for its participants, who must be residents of the Municipality of Dollard-des-Ormeaux, or as otherwise determined by the Executive Board within the guidelines of the City of Dollard-des-Ormeaux.
SECTION 1 – Eligibility
Membership shall be open to all persons not less than four years of age residing within the municipal boundary of Dollard-des-Ormeaux, unless otherwise authorized by the Executive Board. Members must register annually with DABA.
Every member shall be eligible to participate in the game of baseball as promoted by DABA, unless his or her membership has been suspended or terminated pursuant to Article IV, Section 4 or to Article V, Section 2.
SECTION 2 – Voting Members
Members participating in the organization through administration of DABA’s activities, or through registration of their minor children, shall be considered Voting Members of DABA.
SECTION 3 – 18U and Juniors
Members of legal age (18+), who are playing on an 18U or Junior team, shall also be considered Voting Members.
SECTION 4 – Suspension or Termination
Membership may be suspended or terminated by action of the Executive Board.
The Executive Board, by a majority vote of those present at any duly constituted meeting, shall have the authority to discipline, or suspend, or terminate the membership of any member whatsoever, when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the best interests of DABA. The member involved shall be notified of such meeting, informed of the general nature of the charges and given an opportunity to appear at the meeting to answer such charges.
The Executive Board shall, in case of a Player member, give notice to the manager of the team of which the player is a member. Said manager may appear in the capacity of an adviser to the player before a duly appointed committee of the Executive Board, which shall have full power to suspend or revoke such player’s right to future participation.
Membership may also be withdrawn by resignation.
SECTION 1 – Fixing
Dues for members may be fixed at such amounts as the Executive Board shall determine prior to the beginning of any membership period.
SECTION 2 – Non-payment
Although payment will be requested at the time of registration, members who fail to pay their fixed dues within thirty (30) days from the time the same become due, may by vote of the Executive Board, be dropped from the rolls and shall forfeit all rights and privileges of membership.
SECTION 1 – Number of Members
The management of the property and affairs of the DABA shall be vested in the Executive Board. The number of Board Members shall be not less than five (5) nor more than seventeen (17). The Board Members shall upon election immediately enter upon the performance of their duties and shall continue in office until their successors shall have been duly elected.
SECTION 2 – Makeup
Elections for the positions on the Executive Board shall take place at the Annual General Meeting.
The Executive Board shall consist of the President, four (4) Vice-Presidents, the Secretary, the Treasurer, a Registrar, the Equipment Manager, a Scheduler, and two (2) Members at Large. The elected Executive Board may appoint non-voting Board Members – within the limits prescribed by the foregoing Section 1.
SECTION 3 – Meeting Rules
The Executive Board shall meet together immediately following the AGM, and then at least four times during the year at such times as is deemed necessary by the Executive Board Members. The Quorum shall consist of more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting Board Members.
All voting shall be by show of hands, unless otherwise requested by the Chairperson. The President shall be entitled to vote, and also has the casting vote in case of a tie. The Board may adopt such other rules and regulations for the conduct of its meetings as it may deem proper.
SECTION 4 – Vacancies
If any vacancy occurs in the Executive Board, whether by death, resignation or otherwise, it may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Directors at any regular meeting or at any special meeting called for that purpose. If a Board Member takes on two or more positions, he or she is nevertheless still entitled to only one vote.
SECTION 5 – Duties and Powers
The Executive Board shall have the power to appoint such standing committees as it shall determine appropriate and to delegate such powers to them as the Board shall deem advisable and which it may properly delegate.
The Executive Board shall appoint an Umpire-in-Chief and delegate to him or her such powers as the Board shall deem advisable to ensure the proper handling of all issues relating to DABA Umpires. The Umpire-in-Chief may be called to Board Meetings to report to the Board on issues regarding DABA Umpires.
The Board may adopt such other policies, rules and regulations for the management of DABA as it may deem proper.
ARTICLE VII – General Meetings
SECTION 1 – Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the members of DABA shall be held no later than November 30th each year for the purpose of electing an Executive Board, receiving reports, considering constitutional amendments, and for the discussion of such matters upon which the Executive Board wishes to consult the membership.
In particular, the membership shall receive a financial statement verified by a majority of the Board Members. A copy of the Financial Statement and the minutes of the meeting shall be forwarded to Dollard-des-Ormeaux City Hall.
SECTION 2 – Special General Meetings
The Executive Board may call a Special General Meeting at any time for the purpose of receiving reports and/or for the discussion of such matters upon which the Executive Board wishes to consult the membership.
SECTION 3 – Notice of Meetings and Quorum
Notice of all General Meetings shall be emailed to all members of DABA and posted on DABA’s Web site and social media, at least twenty-eight (28) days in advance of the meeting. The agenda and a copy of the constitutional amendments to be put to the General Meeting for approval (if any) will be available with the email and/or on the Web site.
The Quorum shall consist of ten (10) Voting Members, including more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting Executive Board Members.
SECTION 1 – Nominating Committee
A nominating committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board and consist of no less than three (3) members of DABA, including at least one (1) Executive Board Member and one (1) non-member of the Executive Board.
SECTION 2 – Procedure
1) A call for candidates shall accompany the notice of the Annual General Meeting and shall be emailed and posted at least twenty-eight (28) days in advance of the meeting.
2) The Nominating Committee shall place in nomination candidates for all positions on the Executive Board.
3) The nomination committee shall present the proposed slate 10 days prior to the scheduled date of the AGM via email and to the membership of the association through publication on the Association’s website and other social platforms.
4) Any candidate not selected by the nominating committee has the right to inform the said committee within 72 hours (3 days) of their intention in writing to run for election for the position for which they had applied.
5) The nominating committee shall send out a notice of election for any positions with multiple candidates no later than 6 days prior to the AGM.
SECTION 3 – Residency
Nominees for President must be residents of Dollard-des-Ormeaux and a current active board member.
SECTION 1 – Restriction
No one member shall be elected to more than one Executive Position.
SECTION 2 – Term and Limit
Each Executive Board Member shall be elected for a two (2) year term, renewable.
The terms of the President, Treasurer, Vice-President #1, Vice-President #3, Scheduler, and Member at Large # 1 expire in even years.
The terms of Vice-President #2, Vice President #4, Registrar, Equipment Manager, Secretary, and Member at Large #2 expire in odd years.
SECTION 1 – Sequence
Elections will take place for all contested positions.
SECTION 2 – Method
All voting will be by written or electronic ballot. Each Voting Member of DABA who is present has one vote. A simple majority/plurality shall carry all votes.
SECTION 3- Ballot
All candidates for contested positions who satisfy Article VIII shall have their name appear on the ballot.
SECTION 1 – Venue
Amendments to this constitution may only be adopted at an Annual General Meeting, by show of hands.
SECTION 2 – Majority Required
If and only if an amendment has been proposed in writing to and passed by vote of the Executive Board before October 1, and distributed to the members along with the agenda, it can be adopted by a simple majority of the Voting Members present and voting on it at the next Annual General Meeting.
Any other amendment may also be debated if moved and seconded, but may only be adopted by a seven-eighths majority of the Voting Members present.
Abstentions/No-votes shall be ignored in the calculation of a majority.
The official playing “Rules and Regulations” as published by Baseball Quebec shall be binding on DABA, except for DABA by-laws. Where there are apparent conflicts with Baseball Quebec and DABA by-laws governing the same situation, DABA by-laws shall prevail.
SECTION 1 – Adoption
The By-laws of DABA shall form an integral part of the management of DABA’s affairs, but shall not be incorporated in the constitution. By-laws may be adopted by a simple majority at an Executive Board meeting, provided they are not in conflict with this constitution.
SECTION 2 – Duties
The duties of all Executive Board Members shall be defined in DABA’s By-laws.